Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
It’s why nearly every chip made today is built with Lam Research technology.
DEV NOTE: Hero Module with background image and color overlay
Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
It’s why nearly every chip made today is built with Lam Research technology.
DEV NOTE: Hero Module with adjustable color gradient overlay
Today’s Chips Are Pushing The Limits of What’s Possible
Manufacturing them requires pushing the boundaries of physics and chemistry. By engineering at the atomic level, we are helping to solve our customers’ most complex challenges.
DEV NOTE: Particular hero instance with text
Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
It’s why nearly every chip made today is built with Lam Research technology.
DEV NOTE: Hero Module with background color overlay
Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
It’s why nearly every chip made today is built with Lam Research technology.
DEV NOTE: Hero Module with background video and color overlay
Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
It’s why nearly every chip made today is built with Lam Research technology.
DEV NOTE: Hero Module with new home page background video
Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
It’s why nearly every chip made today is built with Lam Research technology.
DEV NOTE: Hero Module with new home page background video and color surround
Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
It’s why nearly every chip made today is built with Lam Research technology.
DEV NOTE: Hero Module with custom layout
Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
It’s why nearly every chip made today is built with Lam Research technology.
DEV NOTE: Hero Module with new home page background video and color overlay
Have you ever wondered
what’s behind technology?
DEV NOTE: "animation" hero in which movie plays when entering screen
Customer Support
Improving Performance
DEV NOTE: animation hero small
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
DEV NOTE: Sub Header Module
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
DEV NOTE: Sub Header Module with image
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
DEV NOTE: Section header Module
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
DEV NOTE: Section header with columns Module (1/3 and 2/3 layout
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
DEV NOTE: Call Out Row Module
DEV NOTE: Horizontal Rule Module
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
DEV NOTE: Box Grid Module
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
At Lam, we know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to the company’s continued growth,
DEV NOTE: Box Grid Module WITH animations
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
Heading Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque.
Heading Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus.
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit...
Heading Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus.
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit...
Heading Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus.
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit...
Job Oppurtunities
See all of our Deposition opportunities
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
DEV NOTE: Recent and Callout Box Modules
Job Oppurtunities
See all of our Deposition opportunities
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
Job Oppurtunities
See all of our Deposition opportunities
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
Job Oppurtunities
See all of our Deposition opportunities
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
Testing m12 multiple boxes...
Content Heading
Morbi lacinia, eros ac maximus mattis, metus tortor faucibus ante, et vehicula tortor diam sed sapien. Integer et dui quis massa ultricies iaculis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi.
Nunc egestas mi sed neque lobortis efficitur. Quisque ultricies neque id mi pretium, eget ornare metus dictum. Integer eu faucibus ex, quis rhoncus felis. Sed eleifend nunc arcu, et cursus felis tincidunt non. Phasellus maximus, ex et volutpat rhoncus, nunc urna venenatis lacus, sed rutrum lorem nisi non magna. In mollis faucibus erat. Aliquam mollis laoreet est, vitae vehicula lectus volutpat sit amet.
DEV NOTE: Content with Side Bar
DEV NOTE: Tech Glossary
DEV NOTE: Filter Bar Module
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus.
DEV NOTE: Careers Module
Sub Heading
4650 Cushing Parkway
Fremont, CA 94538
+1-510-572-8313 (inside U.S.)
+1-800-526-7678 x8313 (outside U.S.)
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
DEV NOTE: Alternating Content Module
Sub Heading
4650 Cushing Parkway
Fremont, CA 94538
+1-510-572-8313 (inside U.S.)
+1-800-526-7678 x8313 (outside U.S.)
DEV NOTE: Location Box Module
Sub Heading
45th Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Telecom Conference
Feb 28, 2017 | 1:30 PM PT
45th Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Telecom Conference
Feb 28, 2017 | 1:30 PM PT
45th Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Telecom Conference
Feb 28, 2017 | 1:30 PM PT
45th Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Telecom Conference
Feb 28, 2017 | 1:30 PM PT
45th Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Telecom Conference
Feb 28, 2017 | 1:30 PM PT
DEV NOTE: Upcoming Events Module
Sub Heading
DEV NOTE: Events Calendar Module
Sub Heading
DEV NOTE: Form Elements
Sub Heading
This is a static test page. This page should not output this content. The template should be filled with static markup.
This is a static test page. This page should not output this content. The template should be filled with static markup.
This is a static test page. This page should not output this content. The template should be filled with static markup.
This is a static test page. This page should not output this content. The template should be filled with static markup.
DEV NOTE: Bio Accordion with Photo Module
Sub Heading
This is a static test page. This page should not output this content. The template should be filled with static markup.
This is a static test page. This page should not output this content. The template should be filled with static markup.
This is a static test page. This page should not output this content. The template should be filled with static markup.
This is a static test page. This page should not output this content. The template should be filled with static markup.
DEV NOTE: Bio Accordion without Photo Module
Sub Heading
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications. Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
Mr. Pakbaz develops and executes strategies for entering new business areas that leverage Lam’s core capabilities and technology. He also identifies target companies and businesses in these market areas for investments and partnerships. Prior to joining Lam Research, he was president and CEO of SBA Materials. He has also held numerous executive-level product management and business development positions at technology firms including MEMs Microphones, Knowles Electronics/Dover Corporation, and Cambrios Technologies. Mr. Pakbaz has been granted more than 20 patents and has authored more than 40 scientific papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. He earned his Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in physics from UC Santa Barbara.
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
Mr. Pakbaz develops and executes strategies for entering new business areas that leverage Lam’s core capabilities and technology. He also identifies target companies and businesses in these market areas for investments and partnerships. Prior to joining Lam Research, he was president and CEO of SBA Materials. He has also held numerous executive-level product management and business development positions at technology firms including MEMs Microphones, Knowles Electronics/Dover Corporation, and Cambrios Technologies. Mr. Pakbaz has been granted more than 20 patents and has authored more than 40 scientific papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. He earned his Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in physics from UC Santa Barbara.
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
Mr. Pakbaz develops and executes strategies for entering new business areas that leverage Lam’s core capabilities and technology. He also identifies target companies and businesses in these market areas for investments and partnerships. Prior to joining Lam Research, he was president and CEO of SBA Materials. He has also held numerous executive-level product management and business development positions at technology firms including MEMs Microphones, Knowles Electronics/Dover Corporation, and Cambrios Technologies. Mr. Pakbaz has been granted more than 20 patents and has authored more than 40 scientific papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. He earned his Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in physics from UC Santa Barbara.
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
Mr. Pakbaz develops and executes strategies for entering new business areas that leverage Lam’s core capabilities and technology. He also identifies target companies and businesses in these market areas for investments and partnerships. Prior to joining Lam Research, he was president and CEO of SBA Materials. He has also held numerous executive-level product management and business development positions at technology firms including MEMs Microphones, Knowles Electronics/Dover Corporation, and Cambrios Technologies. Mr. Pakbaz has been granted more than 20 patents and has authored more than 40 scientific papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. He earned his Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in physics from UC Santa Barbara.
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
Mr. Pakbaz develops and executes strategies for entering new business areas that leverage Lam’s core capabilities and technology. He also identifies target companies and businesses in these market areas for investments and partnerships. Prior to joining Lam Research, he was president and CEO of SBA Materials. He has also held numerous executive-level product management and business development positions at technology firms including MEMs Microphones, Knowles Electronics/Dover Corporation, and Cambrios Technologies. Mr. Pakbaz has been granted more than 20 patents and has authored more than 40 scientific papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. He earned his Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in physics from UC Santa Barbara.
DEV NOTE: Alt Product Module
DEV NOTE: Accordion Module
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus. In diam nunc, dapibus eget augue ac, vestibulum porta leo. Suspendisse rutrum varius neque. Curabitur sit amet blandit dui. Nunc fringilla urna et tellus maximus, ornare dignissim nisl convallis. Phasellus pellentesque sem et ante venenatis, eu tempus enim venenatis.
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Lam’s VECTOR PECVD and ALD products are designed to provide the performance and flexibility needed to create these enabling structures and meet the demands of these challenging applications.
DEV NOTE: Section header Module
Sub Heading
DEV NOTE: Carousel Module
Sub Heading
Aliquam at pretium leo, eu ultricies neque. Duis odio purus, semper vel pretium eget, auctor vel metus. Vestibulum et elit a velit dapibus maximus.
DEV NOTE: Video Playlist Module
Contacts & Offices
Corporate Headquarters & Manufacturing
4650 Cushing Parkway
Fremont, CA 94538
Telephone: +1-510-572-0200
1 Portola Avenue
Livermore, CA 94551
Telephone: +1-510-572-8400
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
United States Offices
200 N. 56th Street, Bldg. 300
Chandler, AZ 85226
Telephone: +1-480-718-3107
4650 Cushing Parkway
Fremont, CA 94538
Telephone: +1-510-572-0200
1 Portola Avenue
Livermore, CA 94551
Telephone: +1-510-572-8400
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
New York
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
Asia Offices
Hong Kong
Kowloon Tong
4650 something lane
Tsim Tsa Shui, Hong Kong
Telephone: +1-510-572-0200
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
Europe & Middle East Offices
9179 West Black Eagle Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Telephone: +1-208-373-7400
United Arab Emirates
4650 something lane
Tsim Tsa Shui, Hong Kong
Telephone: +1-510-572-0200